Saturday, 18 August 2012

Staying hydrated

On drinking...

In a country where temperatures outside revolve around 40°C in the shade ( - which is a state that is just not foud anywhere in reality as the sun is burning down on the eath without any obstacles - ) and an agreeable room temperaure for an office is 26 to 27°C staying well hydrated is essential. The heat and the dryness of the air inside caused by air condition everywhere causes you to constantly feel thirsty. I had already used to drinking quite a bit back home in Germany, but in Egypt it's been taken taken to a whole new dimension.

Usually I have about half a liter water right after I wakig up because the night has left me feeling parched. Then I get up and have one or two tall glasses of tea before leaving for work. To the office I take a big 1,5l bottle of water and another big bottle of chilled tea.

I absolutely LOVE Egypt`s national drink: Karkadee, tea made from hibiscus blossoms. I used to take that to work, but sadly I have to stop and find something new to drink as Karkadee has side effects: it lowers your blood pressure - considerably. And even though my blood pressure is always measured to be quite high anytime I'm at a doctor's I think thats rather due to my almost dying of a near attack caused by feelings of panic and terror of being there than a natural condition. 

A colleague told me she really likes a blend of peppermint and green tea which is apparently available at bigger supermarkets here. I think I might give that a go and try it as I can't drink those amounts in fruit infusions which I used to love for it will damage my teeth too much. 

On top of that, I'll usually have 4 cans of diet coke from the cafeteria. - Yeah, I know, not exactly the healthiest beverabe around, but 'm hardly having any coffee as I cannot stomach the stuff they brew at the office (way too strong and too much acid) and I need some source of caffeine.  
So, I have quite a bit to drink at the office (and writing it all down it appears even more). But then, I don't drink very much after that. When I'm in my room, after work, I'll maybe have another half a liter of water or a glass of tea and that's it for the day.

Still, quite a bit more than I ever used to have in Germany. Especially noticeable since I cannot drink the water from the tab and have to carry every single bottle I drink home from the shop.

Greetings from Egypt,


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